For those looking to follow the pull inward to better know yourself.

Working with individuals on
life-transitions & identity, existential crisis,
grief & loss, and big-T and little-t trauma.

My job is to help you connect (or reconnect) to what matters in your life. We will talk, we will feel, we will practice getting back to what you need in order to heal and thrive in this world. Are you ready to feel more present with your own mind? Your body? Your experience?

We will cultivate an inner trust, curiosity, and resilience in ourselves again (or maybe for the first time), helping you step into the world and create a future that is meaningful and fulfilling. There are so many outside forces that limit our ability to exercise choice and live a meaningful life; let’s strive to confront the negative internal forces so we don’t have to contend with both.

Issues Treated:

  • Things have shifted in some way. Your left with pieces -- or have gained some new pieces, or suddenly find your pieces in a totally different environment -- and you aren't sure how it's all supposed to fit together again. Time to delve into some self-discovery and self-inquiry to figure out how you want to show up for this unique time in your life.

  • The experience of loss can be profoundly challenging, disrupting one's sense of self and purpose. Whether it's the loss of a loved on, the lost of a lifestyle or part of your identity, a relationship, a pet, your relationship with how your body "used to be" -- there is grief there to express. Together, we will explore the complex emotions surrounding grief, honor the memory of what was lost, and find new avenues for healing and growth.

  • There is a moment or a series of moments that is keeping you stuck or in the same cycle over and over again. You might know the shape of it or it might be hidden from your conscious mind, but you know there is something there keeping you out of rhythm or disconnected. And you want to know what it is so you can help your mind & body figure out what you need to do and where you want to go next

  • Learn more here.

I take an integrative and holistic approach to therapy, drawing from various therapeutic models to meet your individual needs. I understand that trauma and/or loss can leave a lasting mark, disrupting your thoughts, feelings, and relationships. Because trauma can be so isolating, my focus is on creating a safe and trusting space where you can begin to process and heal from painful experiences.

Through our work, we aim to integrate these difficult experiences in a way that fosters healing and restoration. My approach to trauma is heavily influenced by Gestalt & Internal Family Systems (IFS) frameworks, which believe we all have an innate capacity to heal. However, this natural ability is often blocked by parts of us that have taken on rigid protective roles due to past trauma.

We build trust with these protective parts, allowing us to access and unburden the more vulnerable parts that carry the weight of past hurts and negative beliefs. As these wounds are addressed and healed, you'll likely experience a sense of relief and a deeper connection to yourself and your life experiences.